Sunday, December 25, 2005

Whole lotta Christmas loot. . .

OK, so I got some great loot this year. Things that I really love: a beautiful set of Calphalon bakeware, so I don't have to hate on Jody for THAT. Some really sharp knives! A cool set of Corona glasses (for our new bar downstairs). I got myself a new cellphone, so that I could join the rest of the 21st century with a flip phone. Then, since we're such Scene It freaks, a new HBO version of the best game ever. Also, a variety of clothes, jammies, slippers, DVD's. The best gift I could get would be getting back into our house before the next month is over. It seems closer and more possible as the days go by. The adorable garden window is in the kitchen--it's the cutest thing I have ever seen. Then with all the great books I got from Cindy, I'm all set to seriously kick back and relax.

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