Saturday, May 26, 2012

New knees!

It has been a scary and painful couple of months leading up to my first knee replacement on May 14.  Both my joints had deteriorated so badly due to arthritis that I was barely able to walk short distances without pain.  I decided to opt for getting both knees replaced this summer, taking a month off of the end of the school year to add to my recovery time.
The idea of the surgery soon started to scare me the most, as I started to hear horror stories from well-meaning friends and relatives.  Mostly everyone either knows someone who has experienced joint replacement, or they have had it done themselves, it seems.  The day finally came, after a hectic and emotional last few weeks of school.  I was admitted, had a long wait to get in, and the next thing I knew, I was in recovery.  The pain is constantly monitored with Mayo Clinic's "scale of one to ten", and I realized that the pain I was feeling at first was indescribable, and I really couldn't use the true number due to the possibility of alarming the nurses.  So I decided that I would downgrade the pain when they asked.
After the first day or so, it really did seem to be less, and each day progressed from there.  I was able to go home on Thursday, May 17, after a three-night hospital stay.  How I got around the first couple of days at home is a mystery, but my son was there the whole time, helping me with ice packs, physical therapy, medications, and general moral support.  Having a walker has been great and has actually helped firm up my flabby arms!  Now I'm looking forward to ditching the walker and maybe just using a cane, to help for support. 
My friends and family have all been so supportive and wonderful--with calls, prayers and good wishes.  I will be up and around soon, and hopefully see some of you face to face.  Take care and keep the good thoughts coming.  I appreciate it.
I made a small video for my students--take care, and don't laugh TOO much.  :(