Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I love these guys!

This is what the NBA is all about! Having fun, playing as a team, running the other guys' asses off. I know there are haters out there who can't stand the Phoenix Suns, but they are the only NBA team with heart. Watching them last night against a lackadaisical Dallas team was pure joy. Steve Nash not only deserves to be this year's MVP; they should make a special award and just let him keep it until he retires. How one guy can ignite a team, encourage everyone to play their best is a true testament to the unselfish professionalism of this talented player. He and his teammates RULE! Let's go SUNS!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Season Finale Fever!!!

It's that time of the year, folks. The big payoff time, or is it the big lame cliffhanger that ruins your summer? Of course in Amazing Race, it has to be BJ and Tyler, or there's not a God. On Lost, there better not be any hottie male characters kicking it, or those freaky producers will be getting tons of hate mail from me. ER is working out to be one of the most boring seasons ever, so I don't really care what happens. My new discovery, Prison Break, is set to go out with a bang, and I really need to use the summer to get caught up on that terrific show. And then my true faves, the Phoenix Suns, have never been playing better, and if they don't go all the way, life's not fair. How can there be this much excitement packed into one month's time. Just goes to show, MAY rules!